VirtualLab Fusion Applications, Technology & Workflows
Getting Started with VirtualLab Fusion
Duration and Intended Audience:
- 3 hours per day | 2 days in sum
- Active and prospective users of VirtualLab Fusion who would like to gain a general understanding of how best to work with the software.
Technical Environment:
- The online training will be implemented with the platform “WebEx”.
- Detailed technical instructions will be provided to participants in time before training.
Fast physical optics simulations have become a reality with the modeling and design software VirtualLab Fusion. A new world of possibilities has opened up as a result, across numerous applications. But the best way to make the most of the technology at your fingertips is to ensure that you are familiar with the tools and confident in their use. Is that not yet the case? Have you worked with VirtualLab Fusion in the past but would like to stay up to date with the many new developments? We are here for you with this online training course, where we will give you the keys to make your work with VirtualLab Fusion more productive and enjoyable!
Learning outcomes
- Become familiar with the most common workflows
- Connecting field solvers: understand the basics of VirtualLab Fusion’s flagship technology in a pragmatic, user-oriented approach
- Confused by all the available settings (why all the Fourier transforms)? – learn how to select the configuration that works best for you!
- Practice it all hands-on with a selection of examples from real-world applications

Olga Baladron-Zorita
Senior Optical Engineer
Olga Baladron-Zorita is employed as a Senior Optical Engineer at LightTrans International. Among other tasks, she conducts webinars and training courses based on VirtualLab Fusion.