Assembly and Connection Technology
28 February 2023
10:00 – 17:00 (CET)
ficonTEC Service GmbH, Im Finigen 3, 28832 Achim
For the development of competitive products such as smartphones, technologies to increase integration density and system integration are a prerequisite nowadays. The requirements for PCBs and thus for manufacturing have changed extremely in recent years.
The event is aimed at both developers and users from the fields of laser packaging, optics, electronics and microsystems technology.
In addition to selected technical presentations, you can expect a company tour and the opportunity for extensive networking.
This event is planned and carried out by PhotonicNet GmbH - in cooperation with ficonTEC GmbH.
Active Alignment of Camera and LiDAR Modules in 6 Degrees of Freedom based on Image Quality analysis
Simon Viets
ficonTEC Service GmbH, Achim
VirtualLab Fusion Technology
Dr. Stefan Steiner
LightTrans International GmbH, Jena
Next Generation Photonic Integration and Packaging Solutions with Photonic Wire Bonding (PWB) and Facet-Attached Micro-Optical Elements
Dr. Sebastian Skacel
Vanguard Automation GmbH, Karlsruhe
Revolutionary approach to photonic micro-assembly
Yolanda Stabel
INNOCISE GmbH, Saarbrücken
Optical modules for cochlear implants
Dr. Christian Goßler
OptoGenTech GmbH, Göttingen
High-precision positioning methods for micro-optical components using the example of µLEDs
Dr. Heiko Brüning
QubeDot GmbH, Brunswick
IR microscopy-assisted passive alignment for sub-µm joining applications
Christoph Mittelstädt
ficonTEC Service GmbH, Achim