Precise Physical and Numerical Control Tools

With the release of version 2023.1 of the fast physical optics modeling and design software VirtualLab Fusion we promised “More Transparency, More Control, Easier Use”. To deliver on this promise, we have completely overhauled the way in which the simulation settings are controlled. In this week’s newsletter we put the spotlight on two different control panels through which users can strike exactly the balance they want between speed and precision in their simulations.

The Speed vs. Accuracy panel contains a selection of different sampling-related tools, including easy-to-use sliders to specify e.g. Nyquist sampling. The Paraxial Assumptions panel allows the user to apply approximations to the system that speed up simulation times for paraxial systems.

Speed vs. Accuracy Tool

This Use Case introduces the Speed vs. Accuracy tool which allows the user to customize global sampling parameter to put the focus on either faster simulations or more accurate ones.​

Paraxial Assumptions Tool

This use case introduces the Paraxial Assumptions tool, demonstrating its options and providing a workflow of how to use it.

Online Training "Getting Started with VLF 2023.1"

Online Training "Getting Started with VLF 2023.1"